- 01. Intro
02. Oooh Na Na
03. Drama
04. Funal Alafia Ahshay
05. Shallow Water
06. Indian Red
07. Eh Paka Way
08. Roll Call79ERS GANG
Fire on the Bayou
[engl] The 79rs Gang are Big Chief Romeo from the 9th Ward and Big Chief Jermaine from the 7th Ward, both of whom come from a lineage of Indian heroes and musical talent. After years of competition, they decided to collaborate to tell a unique story about past heroes, sewing and the foundations of Indian culture. With their deep knowledge of tribal history, these young Big Chiefs bring a fresh perspective and musical power to the traditional songs of the culture as well as their originals.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 21.08.2014
- 01. Eden's Island
02. The Wanderer
03. Mina Bird
04. Eden's Cove
05. Tradewind
06. Full Moon
07. Mongoose
08. Market Place
09. Banana Boy
10. The Old Boat
11. Island Girl
12. La Mar
13. Surf RiderEDEN AHBEZ
Eden Island
Auf 600 Exemplare limitierte, neu gemasterte LP im Siebdruckcover mit Beiblatt und exklusivem Track. Neuauflage des ultra-raren und einzigen Albums vom Komponisten von Nat King Cole´s Nummer-1-Hits Nature Boy und Vorläufer der Hippie- Bewegung. Eden Ahbez (bürgerlich: George Alexander Aberle, 1908-1995) lebte ab den 1940ern ein äußerst ungewöhnliches Leben: mit Bart, langen Haaren, gekleidet in weiße Gewänder und Sandalen war der Amerikaner nicht nur eine Jesusartige Erscheinung, er kampierte mit seiner Familie obendrein weitestgehend besitzlos unter dem ersten L des Hollywood-Zeichens, ernährte sich streng vegetarisch nur von Früchten und Gemüse, hielt an Straßenecken Vorträge über orientalische Mystik und durchquerte die USA viermal zu Fuß. Sein einziges, 1960 veröffentlichtes Album beeindruckt mit einem eigenartigen Mix aus Spoken Word-Poesie und exotischen Arrangements und nahm gewissermasen die Beatnik-Bewegung vorweg. Inklusive des bislang unveröffentlichten Songs Surf Rider von den ursprünglichen Aufnahme-Sessions.- Format
- LP 180gr
- Release-Datum
- 20.08.2013
- Format
- LP 180gr
- Release-Datum
- 25.11.2014
- EAN 5291103811098
- 01. Shake ‘Em On Down
02. Good Morning Little Schoolgirl
03. Keep Your Lamps Trimmed And Burning
04. Fred McDowell’s Blues
05. Woke Up This Morning With My Mind On Jesus
06. Drop Down Mama
07. Going Down To The River
08. Wished I Was In Heaven Sitting Down
09. When The Train Comes Along
10. When You Get Home Please Write Me A Few
Of Your Lines
11. Worried Mind Blues
12. Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning
(instrumental reprise)FRED McDOWELL
The Alan Lomax Recordings
[engl] These are the first recordings made of Fred McDowell—before the folk festivals and blues clubs, before “Mississippi” was inserted in front of his name, before the Rolling Stones covered his “You Got To Move.” They’re the sound of the music McDowell played on his porch, at picnics, and juke joints; with his friends and family; occa- sionally for money but always for pleasure. Remastered from 24-bit digital transfers of Alan Lomax’s original tapes, and annotated by Arhoolie Records’ Adam Machado and the Alan Lomax Archive’s Nathan Salsburg, they are an illustration of the mind-blowing reve- lation that was Fred McDowell. On the first day of fall, 1959, in Como, Mississippi, a farmer named Fred McDowell emerged from the woods and ambled over to his neighbor Lonnie Young’s front porch with a guitar in hand. Alan Lomax and Shirley Collins were there recording the Young brothers’ fife and drum ensemble, as well as the raggy old country dance music of their neighbors, the Pratcher brothers, and they had no idea what to expect from this slight man in overalls. They certainly didn’t expect that Fred would soon become internationally known as one of the most original, talented, and affecting country bluesmen ever recorded. 12” black vinyl LP with double-sided insert with historical informa- tion. Released in collaboration with the Alan Lomax Archive. First pressing 2011, second pressing 2021.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 28.08.2021
- 01. Hilo Hula
02. Kalamaula
03. Kaena
04. Ua Like No A Like
05. Song of Hawaii
06. He Manao He Aloha
07. I Nikiniki Malie
08. Lei Ohu
09. Mauna Kea
10. Wai O Puna LauMike Hanapi
With Kalama’s Quartet
[engl] Mike Hanapi was a brilliant steel guitarist and vocalist from Honolulu, whose recordings with Kalama’s Quartet and the Ilima Islanders remain among the highest peaks of 20th century Hawaiian music. Hanapi’s gorgeous falsetto voice is backed by lush harmony vocals, like a lonesome yodel floating above an oceanside choir. The purely acoustic instrumentation of lap steel guitars, ukeleles and harp-guitars weaves gently in and out of the vocal melodies, creat- ing fluid and harmonious layers and achingly beautiful blue notes. While past reissues of Hawaiian music from this era have focused on “hot” and up-tempo material, this compilation is entirely dedicated to the peaceful, deeply emotional and lilting style in which Mike Hanapi and Kalama’s Quartet excelled. Most of these songs have never been reissued on any format, and have been remastered from original 78 rpm discs by Tim Stollenwerk, with beautiful clarity and presence. Truly peaceful, tranquil and unique music. 12” black vinyl LP with reverse-board jacket, and 8-page full sized booklet with biographical notes, rare and previously unpublished photographs, and full lyrics in Hawaiian and English.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 20.08.2020
- EAN 4260016924493
- 01. Life is an Experiment
02. Holy Wings
03. Fly in the World
04. Holy Dub
05. Step in Space
Lee "Scratch" Perry's Guide to the Universe
[engl] New Age Doom follows up its critically acclaimed 2020 drone metal opus Himalayan Dream Techno with a serendipitous LP featuring the dub legend Lee "Scratch" Perry as lead vocalist. With its central themes of experimentation and dreaming, the album takes listeners on a sonic trip through a genre-defying blend of drone, jazz, stoner rock, noise and (of course) dub. "It felt natural to team up with an artist well known for boldness and experimentation," reflects drummer and co-producer Eric J. Breitenbach on the choice of approaching Lee "Scratch" Perry to appear on the album. "We never expected him to say yes, but at the same time, never doubted that he would. Once he was aboard, everything else just fell into place." Delivering a life-affirming performance equal parts blessing and warning, Lee "Scratch" Perry drops benevolent wisdom bombs and soaring melodies of holy adoration. Possessed of blessed inspiration, the legendary Upsetter "kills us down with love" with his singular brand of freestyle proselytizing. Meanwhile, New Age Doom continues to draw more artists into its instrumental orbit. The new LP brings together a who's-who of fearless musicians from the jazz, rock and post-rock scenes. Returning are bassist Tim Lefebvre on acoustic bass, electric bass and synthesizers, as well as Cola Wars on synthesizers and keyboards. The expanded lineup now features Bowie Blackstar bandleader Donny McCaslin on saxophone, jazz trumpeter Daniel Rosenboom, Dahm Majuri Cipolla of MONO on drums and gong, The Passenger on synthesizers and Ryan Dahle of Mounties and Limblifter on multi-instruments and backing vocals. Dahle is also responsible for the album’s immaculate analog mix and master, bringing to life the manifold textures and nuances of the instruments and voices.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 21.10.2022
- 01. Redwood Ramble
02. Song Of The Stallion
03. The Grail And The Lotus
04. German Chocolate Cake
05. Interlude
06. Cathedral et fleur de lis
07. Pavan India
08. California RagaROBBIE BASHO
Live In Forli, Italy 1982
Der virtuose amerikanische Raga-Gitarrist Robbie Basho starb 1986 im Alter von 45 Jahren an den Folgen eines Schlaganfalls. Basho kommt aus dem Umfeld des mit ihm gut befreundeten Gitarristen-Kollegen John Fahey und der sogenannten Takoma-Schule. Beide teilten das Interesse für indische Musik. Zudem war Basho - wie Pete Townshend von The Who - ein Anhänger der Lehren des indischen Mystikers Meher Baba. Einflüsse, die sich neben japanischen und iranischen Musiktraditionen und Klängen der amerikanischen Ureinwohner in Bashos Kompositionen auf der Stahlsaiten-Gitarre wiederfinden. Der vorliegende Live-Mitschnitt wurde in einem aus dem 18. Jahrhundert stammenden, gewöhnlich für klassische Konzerte reservierten Palazzo aufgenommen. "One lovely little room where I could play all night", so der Künstler. Bei den Stücken gelingt es Basho meisterhaft, auf seiner meditativ gespielten Akustikgitarre östliche, westliche und klassische Elemente in Einklang zu bringen. Wer sich für Musik an der Schnittstelle von Avantgarde und World Music interessiert, dem bietet sich mit "Live In Forli, Italy 1982" die attraktive Gelegenheit, einen absoluten Ausnahmemusiker kennenzulernen.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 27.09.2019
- EAN 0825481502412
- 01. Horizoning
02. And Put My Face In The Wind
03. I Wish I Knew
04. Machine
05. Counterpane
06. Evangeline
07. English Oaks
08. Another Time And Place
09. Soliloquy
10. You're Not The Only OneSTEFAN GNYS
[engl] On the recording of these 10 songs in 1969, there were only two players: myself and a good friend, David Van Duzen. I did the vocals and rhythm guitar, but with a personally developed picking style that was distinctive and apart from straight strumming. By the time David was in his early 20s in 1969, he was already an accomplished musician—a guitarist extraordinaire! He played lead and was a vocalist in rock groups playing the popular hits of the time. When it came to his amazing solos, he could play his electric guitar behind his back, behind his head and even play the strings with his teeth! Dave was also a talented bass player who added a wonderful lower register to my songs. He also sang harmony in the chorus of ‘Evangeline’. We recorded in a small, well-equipped studio called Heidebrecht Recording Service in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada. The recording engineer was also the owner. All ten songs were laid down in one day (April 21, 1969) with David adding his guitar licks and bass runs on separate tracks.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 15.11.2024
Hypnotic Cajun & Obscure Zydeco
Die Südstaaten der USA sind nicht nur die Wiege des Blues, sondern auch die jahrhundertealte, von Franzosen nach Louisiana gebrachte Cajun-Musik und der verwandte Zydeco nahmen dort ihren Ursprung. Fiddle, Akkordeon, Waschbrett - das hier ist Roots-Musik im besten Sinne, seit Generationen überliefert und noch immer frisch und lebendig. Viele jüngere (Anti-)Folk- / Roots-Bands berufen sich auf diesen authentischen Sound. Das Schweizer Trio MAMA ROSIN hat für "Hypnotic Cajun & Obscure Zydeco" 15 seiner Lieblingsstücke zusammengesucht - seltene, schwer zu findende Songs, von alten Fiddle-Tunes und freakigen Akkordeon-Instrumentals bis hinzu unbekannten Aufnahmen der Zydeco-Legende CLIFTON CHENIER. 180g-Vinyl im Siebdruckcover mit Beiblatt. Handmade by RED CAN!- Format
- LP lim
- Release-Datum
- 05.08.2011
- 01. Lawrence Walker - Ossun Two-Step
02. Little Yvon LeBlanc - Mama Rosin
03. Amede Breaux - Criminal Waltz
04. Cheese Read - Fiddle Stomp
05. Breaux Freres - Le Blues du Petit Chien
06. Dennis McGee - Vous M'Avez Donne Votre Parole
07. Jimmy Peters & The Ring Dance Singers - J´ai Fait Tout Le Tour Du Pays
08. Georges Alberts - You Havin' A Good Time
09. Bebe & Eraste Carriere - Blue Runner
10. Milton - Mama Do Right
11. Rockin' Dopsie - Doin' The Zydeco
12. Canray Fontenot - Canray's One Step
13. Freeman Fontenot - Le Two Step À JulesV/A
Hypnotic Cajun & Obscure Zydeco 2
Volume 2 voll mit obskuren Songs.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 13.09.2015
- EAN 2090504111645