
Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.


  • 01. Shichangani
    02. Shibandza
    03. Ndzihere Bhi
    04. Dance Khomela
    05. Shaka Bundu
    06. Zirimini
    07. Milandu Bhe
    08. Shichangani (Remix)


    Shaka Bundu

    Die Geschichte des südafrikanischen Sängers und Tänzers PENNY PENNY ist reif für Hollywood. Ein fast obdachloser Hausmeister ohne jegliche Ausbildung erhält einen Plattenvertrag, wird ein mit Platinplatten überhäufter Popstar, spielt in Stadien in ganz Afrika und baut sich schließlich eine Karriere als Politiker in Nelson Mandelas African National Congress Party auf. Das Debütalbum ,Shaka Bundu" von PENNY PENNY, aufgenommen im Jahr 1994, ist das besagte Album, das den 34-jährigen Giyani Kulani Kobane von den Straßen Johannesburgs in politische Kreise katapultierte. Nach einem zufälligen Treffen mit dem Tsonga Disco Produzenten Joe Shirimani nur sechs Monate nach dem Ende der Apartheid, erschien ,Shaka Bundu" von PENNY PENNY und prägte das Bewusstsein eines ganzen Landes. PENNY PENNY war entgegen aller Erwartungen eine sofortige Sensation. Das Album verkaufte sich allein in Südafrika 250.000 Mal und wurde in Stadien zwischen Liberia, Sierra Leone, Namibia und Mozambique abgespielt. Die Musik war etwas Neues im Tsonga Disco. Langsame House Rhythmen wurden zur Basis für die PENNY PENNY Hymnen. Mit Atari Computern, Korg Synthesizern und einem Reel-to-Reel-Tape für den Gesang, wurde die Platte in nur sieben Tagen aufgenommen. Ihr typischer Basssound verknüpfte Üppigkeit und Knackigkeit mit den Tönen einer Orgel. Die Raps von PENNY PENNY wurden zu seiner Visitenkarte. Nach 20 Jahren, in denen ,Shaka Bundu" aus den Lautsprechern eines freien Südafrikas ertönte, klingen die Sounds noch immer groß und weltgewandt.
    EAN 0656605560618
  • 01. Ibola Aids
    02. Ingani
    03. Amarumasi
    04. Kulani Kulani
    05. Dodomedzi
    06. Hai Kamina
    07. Yogo Yogo
    08. Ti Samboko
    09. Ama Owners
    10. Kulani Kulani (Remix)


    Yogo Yogo

    [engl] The rags-to-riches chronicle of Penny Penny’s life would be remarkable if he had only released his smash debut Shaka Bundu and packed houses for a few years. But the inimitable South African singer and dancer known for his trademark top ponytail and emphatic anthems was no one-hit wonder. In the aftermath of Shaka Bundu’s nationwide explosion, far beyond his country the album resonated with ever bigger audiences. He performed up and down the continent, building fanbases in more than a dozen countries. So his sophomore album Yogo Yogo—released in 1996—solidified Penny Penny’s standing in pop music nationally and provided new energy to his pan-African stadium-filling adventures. “I was very busy between Shaka Bundu and Yogo Yogo. Shows every week, local and outside the country. There was no relaxing from 1995 until 1999.” The album also reflects the era in which it emerged. If Shaka Bundu arrived triumphantly amid newfound political freedom in South Africa with the end of Apartheid and Nelson Mandela’s election, Yogo Yogo was a next level expression for the maturing artist. He wanted to get a message out. Composed with Joe Shirimani, who also produced the album, the sound and compositional style echoes the earlier recording but the topical nature of the lyrics became more deliberate, more didactic. In the song “Ingani” Penny proclaims, we are all one people even though we may speak different languages, we are all Nguni—a larger historical grouping that includes many of the ethnic groups in modern South Africa. “Kulani Kulani,” which means grow up, urges young people to say no to drugs and yes to education. Ama Owners, referring to the public transport drivers involved in violent rumbles, asks the nation’s drivers to relax because we need them for our safe arrival. Penny’s success as a Xitsonga artist should not be under-estimated in the context of popular music at the time in South Africa. “When I started with my own style and image, first time in Shangaan we had artist like me,” Penny explains. “Our music was traditional before. But I brought a mix of rock and disco and it became the bomb. Every star won’t be popular without your own style.” It took them eight days to finish album, writing the songs in the studio. Penny says, “The songs just happened. Joe is very good at listening and producing, he has lots of patience. When he played the keyboard I would sing, standing behind him once he finished the rhythm, I would sing it all in one take, non-stop. We were not using computers to record, we were singing live. And we pressed the music on cassette and vinyl—not CD—back then." Fast-forward to 2020, Penny Penny is deep in the political game and appears on television 6 times a week as the star of his own reality TV show, “Papa Penny Ahee!”. He is setting up an avocado farm and provides fifty families in his region with food every month via his charitable foundation. Penny still plays huge shows around South Africa and will appear at some Europe’s biggest festivals in 2021.
    EAN 0843563115534