Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.
- Way Of Return
Farmer's Secret
Dancing With Mr. E
Mystery Blend
Way Of Return
Farmer's Secret
Dancing With Mr. E
Mystery Blend
Psychedelic Backfire I
[engl] Elephant9 was already established as a vital live favourite on the Norwegian scene - due to a number of energetic and enthusiastically received concerts - before their highly acclaimed debut album "Dodovoodoo" was released in May 2008. 11 years later, and after another four studio albums, it was about time to properly document this live force in the form of not only one album, but two double albums. Indeed, the very limited vinyl only "Live at the BBC" album was released in 2011, but this time the band booked a four day residency at the intimate Kampen Bistro in Oslo and invited old friend Reine Fiske - a vital presence on previous albums "Atlantis" and "Silver Mountain" - along for two of the evenings. Everything was recorded in front of enthusiastic crowds and later mixed by Christian Engfelt, another trusted collaborator. It's a rough warts-and-all mix, with no overdubs, repairs or edits. Tracks are picked from all their albums, often given lengthy workouts with room for improvisation. The trio is extremely tight and telepatic, with Ståle as the obvious soloist, but it's worth to mention the drummer for a change, Torstein being a powerhouse that truly shines on these recordings.- Format
- DoLP
- Release-Datum
- 07.06.2019
- EAN 7033660032060
- 01. I Cover The Mountain Top
02. Farmer's Secret
03. Habanera Rocket
04. Skink/Fugl Fønix
05. Actionpack1
06. DodovoodooELEPHANT9
The Greatest Show On Earth
[engl] It's not often a "jazz" band take the big step from the club scene to a 1300 capacity rock venue like Oslo's Rockefeller. But then again, Elephant9 is not your ordinary jazz band. Often being named Norway's best live band - surely quite rare for an instrumental band - they are equally popular in jazz and rock circles. On this, their fifth studio album, Elephant9 are back to the core trio of their first two albums; Ståle Storlokken, Nikolai Hængsle and Torstein Lofthus, three of Norway's finest musicians. "The Greatest Show On Earth" displays some truly astonishing playing and is a more dynamic, structured and focused album with all tracks clocking in around the six minute mark. It's also very much a trio effort where all members are equal, and not only a vehicle for a soloist. Ståle Storlokken (keyboards) is widely considered the most inventive keyboard player on the Norwegian scene, his playing with bands like Supersilent, Humcrush, Motorpsycho, Terje Rypdal and countless others being firm testament to this. Nikolai Hængsle (bass) is since long a member of popular rock group Big Bang as well as Ketil Moster's quartet Moster!, Needlepoint and Band Of Gold. Torstein Lofthus (drums) is probably the most in demand session drummer in Norway. "Lashes of mellotron and textured guitars create a sprawling psychedelic jazz epic. Few have come close to the greatness of this in recent years. " Record Collector (UK) "There's no denying the thrusting vitality charging through the snaking chicanes conjured by this formidable fusion unit. " Jazzwise (UK)- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 23.02.2018
- EAN 7033660031988