Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.
- 01. Anticlimax
02. A Seat at the TableVANITY
[engl] Right alongside a stellar 2020 single and 2018 LP on the esteemed Beach Impediment label, NYC's VANITY offer up another double A-sider for Feel It. "Anticlimax" rolls out of the gate with a cool, Stones-esque confidence, resting on the otherworldly lead guitar of "Groovy" Mike Liebman (formerly of VEXX and RIK & THE PIGS). This irresistibly catchy, glammed-out rocker is backed up with "A Seat at the Table" quickening the pace atop a brilliant walking bass line. While VANITY have excelled in everything from Oi! to Britpop in their fascinating time as a band, both the songwriting and production on this single may be VANITY's highest mark yet.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 28.02.2020
- 01. If You Must
02. Someday Is Right
03. Glad To Not
04. These Things Tend To Not Go Anywhere
05. It's That Way For A Reason
06. Gimme Hyperbole
07. You Can't Have Both
08. Cease Fire
09. Mea Culpa
10. World Gets SmallerVANITY
Evening Reception
[engl] A lost episode of Fawlty Towers set in the present day astride a shoddy sofa in a den in Brooklyn: Instead of not “mentioning the war” the challenge is to swim through this LP without uttering or even entertaining the tiniest sniff of dearest Nanker Phelge. This proves far more rewarding than throwing a knee-jerk ticker tape parade for the open-tuned greyzone murk of Guitar-Centre blues musicians everywhere and frankly, that would be a lazy disservice to what you're about to hear. Rising up instead, we have the grandiose and pampositical return of the perfectly named, Vanity. Yes that’s a compliment, no it's not a real word. Energetic punk consommé indebted to rock and roll but coming across less like the deliberate broken chains of Vans slip ons and Target 501s swapped for sequins, strides, and scarves - but more like an effort forged in Billy Zoom’s living room on Warren Zevon’s gear as played by the Saints’ roadies in a bar that serves really, really, really cold beer. Coincidentally, I would endorse that as a suggested serving. Take a long hard look in the mirror, slyly lit so your cheekbones pop, and preen yourself ’til your skin peels off.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 19.10.2018
- 01. Rarely If Ever
02. We're FriendsVANITY
Rarely If Ever b/w We're Friends
[engl] The second of two brand new singles that one of NYC's greatest will be gracing us with during this balmy winter and their first recorded output since the release of their highly praised "Evening Reception" full length, the Beach Impediment Label is honored to be an even minuscule component in releasing yet another slab for the almighty VANITY. With a track record of releases that spans the past 7 years, the style and approach of the group has (much to the dismay of some yet absolute delight of others) arguably seen it's fair share of metamorphosis over the course of this particular project's run. Yet amidst the sonic evolution exhibited by VANITY as their catalog has progressed, the expertise in conceiving an ever so catchy ditty still holds true as is evident with the A-Side "Rarely if Ever" - a track that is guaranteed to remain embedded in one's head for quite some time. "We're Friends" closes it all out on a triumphant and decidedly rocking note, bebe, leaving those who've been on this journey thus far yearning for what comes next. Limited to a one time pressing of 500 copies.- Format
- 7''
- Release-Datum
- 17.03.2020