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Seemed like a good idea…
Australischer Countrypunk mit Rockeinflüssen, fern von jeglichen Aufgesetztheiten und Attitüden. Erinnert an Sixfthick ohne deren Härte. Eines dieser Alben die eigentlich nichts besonderes zu bieten haben, aber trotzdem irgendwie überzeugen, ohne dass man weiß warum. Stetig wird das Album besser je weiter man kommt und fängt man wieder von vorn an, wirkt das Niveau gleich noch höher als beim ersten Anlauf.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 12.01.2009
- 01. New Motion
02. Side Effect
03. If Ya Don’t Mind
04. My Real Life Monkey Brain
05. Come Along
06. Kiss Me Once
07. Golden Rule
08. Picture In My Hand
09. Dollar Signs
The New Motion
[engl] Veteran rockers The Double Agents return with their third album New Motion a powerful new recording evoking directness and immediacy and marking their first release of new material in nearly two decades. The Double Agents’ initial incarnation circa 2000 saw the fiercely independent quintet rise from humble stages to becoming one of Melbourne’s most revered pub rock bands. They twice toured Europe and eventually shared the stage with iconic luminaries Dead Moon, Mudhoney, The Dirtbombs, Celibate Rifles, The White Stripes and The Black Keys before an amicable hiatus in 2008. New Motion is a modern Australian rock record and marks a departure from their garage rock roots, as best exemplified in their self released 2023 anthology compilation Best Bits… So Far spanning their first three releases. The familiar twin vocals remain, Kim and Dave summoning that deep Dead Moon energy, as does Ryan Tandy’s singular lead guitar playing and the rock solid backbeat of Myles Gallagher, but the band’s scope seems to have widened on this record, with the inclusion of longtime cohort Mick Stylianou (Saint Jude) adding style and harmonic punch on bass guitar and backing vocals. The New Motion sessions were tracked to analog tape by Finn Keane at Head Gap and Julian McKenzie at Newmarket with vocal post production by Dave Larkin (Dallas Crane), mixing by Callum Barter (Courtney Barnett, Kurt Vile), mastering by Mikey Young. Dave Butterworth also produced the album.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 21.07.2024