Hier findet ihr die Künstler/Bands.
01. Nos deux corps
02. Fuck
03. La boucle
04. La Cuarenta
05. Le sexe domine
06. Ensemble
07. Tu m'as quitté
08. Infoutu de
09. Canada
10. Empruntant
11. Jouir
LP mit Texteinleger. Rosa wolkenverhangenes Pop-Debutalbum des bärtigen Franzosen nach Kollaborationen mit Stereolab, die mitunter melodiös anklingen. Ein wunderbar nostalgisches orgelverspieltes Folk-Pop-Werk, die bunte Sonnenbrille tief in die sechziger Jahre gezogen. Charmant und erotisch wie Liebe am Nachmittag, ist er ein betont cooler Crooner, während die Band mitunter in psychedelische Soli abgleitet, doch meistens kompakt und moderat. Auch eine schmachtende Klavier-Ballade ist nicht fern und erhöht die Strahlkraft seiner samtenen Stimme. Wie ein End-60-er Album von Serge Gainsbourg. Patina-Pop der wunderbar eingängigen Art.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 24.04.2014
- EAN 3521381528688
- 01. Fait divers
02. Mandrax
03. Pas
04. La cure
05. Circle Bar
06. Les pages anonymes
07. Luke Howard
08. Kiss me you fool
09. L'été anglais
10. Le Debusse
11. L'oeilGASC, JULIEN
Kiss me you fool
[engl] Four years after the inenarrable "Cerf, Biche et Faon", Julien Gasc ( Aquaserge, Stereolab) deliver us "Kiss me, you fool!" leads us far far away, into swarms of sound and sentimental, twisted tales, on a quest for illumination that traverses the rich palette of human passions. The title was taken from a graffiti discovered in the ladies’ toilets of a London pub. It is through this peephole that we consider, like a voyeur, the paradoxical complexity of this album: At once witty, noble and degenerate, Julien struts his way through it with all the nonchalance of a night-owl dandy. A troubadour of modern times, he sings of unresolved love, self-mockery, the trivialities of daily life and the search for the Absolute. The fruit of an exceptional artistic collaboration (including Laëtitia Sadier (Stereolab), John Linger (Neils Children), Cathy Lucas (The Oscillation, Vanishing Twin), and Joe Watson), this contrasting, emotional and heterogenous album nonetheless forms a whole. Here, mirror plays, surrealistic songs and decadent poems unfold elegantly, seductive in their effortlessness. Countering the current norms, “Kiss me, you fool!” cultivates its powerful identity far from today’s musical cliques and fads- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 11.11.2016
- EAN 3521381538915
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 11.11.2016
- EAN 3521383438923
- 01. La treve internationale
02. Maracabela
03. Les flots
04. libertas et firegarasc
05. Passer laisser
06. L’appel de la foret
07. We »re so in love
08. Pagode
09. Giles and Jones
10. Undying eyesGASC, JULIEN
L'Appel de la Foret
[engl] Confession, fiction, and observation. This is how the trajectory drawn by Julien Gasc seems to evolve from one album to the next. While Cerf, Biche et Faon took the form of a diary and Kiss Me, You Fool! that of a collection of stories, L'Appel de la Forêt concludes this trilogy in a tender and spontaneous dialogue, broaching the present with clairvoyance through melodies with bright glimmers. More adventurous than its predecessors, which respectively took root in the south of France and in London, this third chapter offers a kaleidoscopic vision, multiplying geographies and temporalities to ingrain itself in the moment all the better. Through a collection of dances of diverse origins, Julien places himself at the heart of the everyday – embracing it, sublimating it, and calling for a transfiguration to escape its imminent disaster. His voice circulate through this fragmented horizon; it is raw and immediate, sometimes so stark that it disappears, making way for its interlocutor, like an invitation to occupy the space shaped by his ritornello. Emancipated from his dandy’s costume, the rare moments where he puts it on again are to more effectively elude it. The address is deliberately frank and above all benevolent. Beyond an amorous chant d’amour, it is an ode to freedom and to the full awareness of our human condition that unfolds before us. An invitation, devoid of cynicism, to take off of our ‘social animal’ mask and decolonise the world around us – to stop wanting to possess at all costs and let those we love be free. This album is a roadside companion, with no dogma or precepts, and a simple motto: Stay joyful.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 31.01.2020
- EAN 3521381558593
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 31.01.2020
- EAN 3521383458587