- 01. 1. Oktober
02. Freut Euch
03. Spionage
04. Glocken Der Revolution
05. Gib Mir Eine Chance
06. Neue Macht
07. Roter Terror
08. Russen In Afghanistan
09. Schwarze Rose
10. Bürgerkrieg
11. 1942
12. Schreckensherrschaft
13. Mein Traum, Du Bist Tot
14. Macht Des FeuersOHL
Verbrannte Erde
[engl] Rough, fast, noisy hardcore German punk for the time, this band is at the top of European thrash king history. The guitars dominate while the drums and lead vocals struggle to be heard. Incredibly powerful music that puts her previous works to shame. From the start, OHL race on the highway of anti-commercial music. "1. Oktober” is both the start and the first highlight. Anyone who has ever heard German W.'s hysterical calls of “ Deutschland, Deutschland ” will never forget them. Many songs follow the manic rush of the opening title. Freut Euch“, „Glocken der Revolution“ and “Neue Macht” are among these songs and they celebrate an energetic orgy of uncompromising speed and grimly determined fighting spirit. Comes in an nice inside/ out gatefold sleeve with new Artwork and linernotes.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 05.09.2007
- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 11.01.2025
- EAN 4059251571346
Mehr von »OHL«
1000 Kreuze
[engl] The second LP by German punk veterans OHL is a lot fatter than their immature debut. The production is much crisper, the singing with its cynical bad news fits the political society. The songs are mucOHL
Alles für die Heimat
[engl] 40 years ago, one of the most important and at the time most controversial sampler in German punkhistory. “Die Deutschen Kommen”. In order not to support a label that is more than questionable witOHL
Impact Jahre 1
[engl] Another classic German punk / hardcore story. First released in 1994 on Impact Records, now released again for the first time, but as a double LP with bonus tracks. Did you hear "The 7th Sign" back th
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Menschenverachtente Untergrundmusik
"Das zweite Album der Oi!Punker aus Wanne-Eickel mit dem herzlichen Ruhrgebietshumor. Klare Steigerung zur ersten CD." schreibt Teenage Rebel. nundenn...V/A
KUNST! 20 Jahre Die Kassierer
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