
  • 01. No Pigs No rats
    02. Nightmare
    03. Inside my Head
    04. Confusion
    05. Upright
    06. Keep your head High
    07. Good things are gone
    08. Backward guy
    09. I want you
    10. Ten feet high
    11. Nothing
    12. Not the good one anymore


    Sleepless Nights

    [engl] Second album by this 4-piece (3 dudes and a lady) from beer 'n waffle land. Yep, that's Belgium! Twelve gritty, hook-laden tunes about confusion, nightmares aaand good things! Evil pounding drums! Stinging treble-y guitars! Growling bass! Real music, y'know! Ranging from cool jangle rockers to manic guitar freakouts they manage to master the Nuggets/Pebbles formula in a modern way without sounding like another dull copy. Throw in some fire of love-era GUN CLUB for good measure and dump the surf powerpop BARRACUDAS into the belgian sea and there ya go! Imagine the STANDELLS setting the MUNSTERS show on fire! But ya know, they're not into recreating an old era or following current trends, they're rather interested in creating original music! No silly garage rock uniforms! No STANDELLS wigs! No drone-y faux psych! No moronic joint chompin' tie-dye "take-it-easy-brooo" flower-rock BS! After awesome previous releases SLEEPLESS NIGHTS is a upbeat and catchy garage pop sensation as we love it at ALIEN SNATCH! The twelve originals sound just right, we could have never mixed the album any better than this. Stunning artwork (check!), crazy band name (check!), perfect catalog number (check!), limited coloured vinyl (check!).
    LP [incl.DC]
    EAN 4260119670693

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