- 01. Fait divers
02. Mandrax
03. Pas
04. La cure
05. Circle Bar
06. Les pages anonymes
07. Luke Howard
08. Kiss me you fool
09. L'été anglais
10. Le Debusse
11. L'oeilGASC, JULIEN
Kiss me you fool
[engl] Four years after the inenarrable "Cerf, Biche et Faon", Julien Gasc ( Aquaserge, Stereolab) deliver us "Kiss me, you fool!" leads us far far away, into swarms of sound and sentimental, twisted tales, on a quest for illumination that traverses the rich palette of human passions. The title was taken from a graffiti discovered in the ladies’ toilets of a London pub. It is through this peephole that we consider, like a voyeur, the paradoxical complexity of this album: At once witty, noble and degenerate, Julien struts his way through it with all the nonchalance of a night-owl dandy. A troubadour of modern times, he sings of unresolved love, self-mockery, the trivialities of daily life and the search for the Absolute. The fruit of an exceptional artistic collaboration (including Laëtitia Sadier (Stereolab), John Linger (Neils Children), Cathy Lucas (The Oscillation, Vanishing Twin), and Joe Watson), this contrasting, emotional and heterogenous album nonetheless forms a whole. Here, mirror plays, surrealistic songs and decadent poems unfold elegantly, seductive in their effortlessness. Countering the current norms, “Kiss me, you fool!” cultivates its powerful identity far from today’s musical cliques and fads- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 11.11.2016
- EAN 3521381538915
- Format
- CD
- Release-Datum
- 11.11.2016
- EAN 3521383438923
Mehr von »GASC, JULIEN«
LP mit Texteinleger. Rosa wolkenverhangenes Pop-Debutalbum des bärtigen Franzosen nach Kollaborationen mit Stereolab, die mitunter melodiös anklingen. Ein wunderbar nostalgisches orgelverspieltes Fo
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Debut Single
Neue Girl Punk Band aus New York mit drei Songs eingängigen und Tweeden Girlgarage. Für alle die The Boonaraaas!!! vermissen.ORVAL CARLOS SIBELIUS
Ordre et Progrès
[engl] Recording the most luminous and conquering music there is, in order to conjure up melancholic depths. This could be the definition of the pop music made during the golden age, during which the The BeaUSE
[engl] It’s always kind of the same: the guy gets on stage – provided that there is one – looking like a lanky jackal, with a sweater or two on, and without notice he starts hitting on a jumble of cymbV/A
BIPPP - french synth wave 1979/85
Mit dem BIPPP Sampler bringt uns das in Frankreich ansässige Label Born Bad ein Stück französischer 80s Untergrundmusikgeschichte für das manche Leute töten würden wenn sie die Originalaufnahmen