- 01. Waiting for the Sign
02. Because of You
03. On the Wire
04. Even if I Wanted To
05. Without You
06. Truth
07. Tightrope
08. Fool in my Mind
09. Stay Out of My Dreams
10. Shinging StarPROTEX
[engl] The long awaited new album from Belfast, Irelands Punkrockers PROTEX.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 27.02.2017
Mehr von »PROTEX«
Mehr vom Label »Bachelor«
Be gay, do crime
[engl] Thanks to the brilliant brilliant (!!!) record label Girlsville, who put this compilation together for a tape release we - Bachelor Records - can be part of this vinyl record! This tape was just too gTERRORDACTYLS
Overlapping Circles / Friendship
[engl] This 7” actually does not contain only two songs, its four!!!!! On the A-Side you get the normal album versions, I dunno when the album is gonna be out so consider this as a teaser. On the flipsideDEAD NITTELS
Anti New Wave Liga
[engl] Yes, this is the legendary "green tape" of one of the first austrian punk bands DEAD NITTELS. Triggered by their gig with the UK SUBS on September 26, 1982 in Ampermoching / Dachau / Germany at the "GPOPPETS
[engl] Three song lo-fi pop excellence, crummy recording and fun fun fun. SNEAKY PINKS go away, here’s Magnus (from the HEARTATTACKS) and Lina, and a drum computer. Fine Darin Maccaroni (or what was that RMYELINS SHEATHS
[engl] Cassandra, Joel, Martine and Paul went to the lab and found the perfect formula on how to start an extraordinary band: ”None of us really knew how to play our instruments very well, but we shared si