Mehr von »BAD//DREEMS«
[engl] More than ten years into their career, Bad//Dreems have an energy that most bands rarely manage to attain. Passionate, powerful, and pertinent, HOO HA! Is a sign of what’s to come for the group, and
Mehr vom Label »Sounds of Subterrania«
Talkin' about Treeberrys
[engl] The Treeberrys are celebrating great and absolutely stylish 6t's pop, you wouldn't find it made much better even way back in 1966 and love being very authenic and they're taking it to theCOLUMBIAN NECKTIES
Columbian Neckties kicked off in 1999 after Shake Appeal called it quits. Henrik and Simon teamed up with new singer, Jeppe and new drummer, Slamboy. Determined to put the ''Punk'' bacHOLIDAY FUN CLUB
Neue Band von Max/ SONS OF CYRUS. Und was soll ich sagen, Hammerband! Joy Division meets Devo meets Hang of Four meets na klar Sons of Cyrus. Total manisch, Grandios einfach! Es fällt schwer die Band