- 01. Goodtimes
02. New York
03. Out In My World
04. Get Back To You
05. Hollywood Blues
06. Zenith ForeverDION LUNADON
Memory Burn
[engl] Dion Lunadon is a musician who writes, performs and records his own rock 'n' roll records. Born in New Zealand and residing in New York City he has a 4 piece band who TCB live. Raw, real and off the chain!- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 21.07.2024
[engl] *DION LUNADON’ debut solo album from .. 2018… finally gets a repress. .for this we’ve done 500 on transparent red.. only 300 for EU/UK sales. The sides are flipped the sleeve is slightly changed
Mehr vom Label »Beast«
[engl] unctioning as the solo outlet for Washington DC-based Artist, DeeDee, D E A T H B A G summons a range of dark music influences that span the decades ranging from fuzz-laden garage rock to post-punk toSOUTH FILTHY
Höchst gelungene neue Single der Memphis Roots Rock & Roll, Blues und Country Band um Ex-Gibson Brother Mrs. Jeffrey Evans. Auf der A-Seite wird mit ??Going Down The Valley?? ein altes Folk-TraditionSKEPTICS, THE
[engl] Though the first (solo) recordings were done in 2008, the Skeptics started playing live shows in June 2011. They are now celebrating their six years as a band with their new self-titled record, and foWALTER DANIELS & JESUS & THE GROUPIES
Weapons Nature Provided
[engl] Jesus & The Groupies are a stripped down duo that use the Delta blues & punk music as part of the recipe that brings some serious electric boogie to the stage and to their recordings. Formed by Marco