- 01. Shake It All Out
02. For The River Man
03. Come Tomorrow
04. Along The Way
05. Lonesome Heart
06. Halo Moon
07. Nothing Matters
08. This Train Rolls OnTELESCOPES
Halo Moon
[engl] The Telescopes are an all embracing concern that began in 1987, the only constant being sole composer/instigator, Northumbrian born Stephen Lawrie. The band’s line-up is in constant flux, there can be anywhere between 1 and 20 members on a recording. The Telescopes were initially signed to Cheree Records then moved on to What Goes On Records where they became regulars at the top of the indie charts before gaining more mainstream success on signing to Creation Records. The Telescopes music has constantly pushed at it’s own boundaries, it overlaps many genres following its own course, inspiration led. Time has shown The Telescopes music not only withstands repeated listening but also reveals something new with each listen, a thread consistent throughout a highly influential body of work spanning over 30 years. The Telescopes have been cited as an influence on many artists across genres, around the world. Halo Moon is The Telescopes 17th studio album, the 6th for Tapete Records.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 11.10.2024
- EAN 4015698990270
As Light Return
[engl] As Light Return – The Telescopes are back with their ninth album.TELESCOPES
Exploding Head Syndrome
[engl] Consisting of eight new songs and incantations that form a series of sonic convulsions stretching the parameters of intuitive composition to the point of auditory illusion.TELESCOPES
Of Tomorrow
[engl] The Telescopes were initially signed to Cheree Records then moved on to What Goes On Records where they became regulars at the top of the indie charts before gaining more mainstream success on signingTELESCOPES
Radio Sessions (2016 - 2019)
[engl] The Telescopes Radio Sessions collects together the essence of three live session recordings in 3 different countries over a three year period between 2016-2019. This is the third in a series of radioTELESCOPES
Songs Of Love And Revolution
[engl] Songs Of Love And Revolution is a solar burst of trance inducing rhythms gripped at the helm by a wall of throbbing bass held in place by a swarm of encircling guitars. Lashed to the mast of this whi
Mehr vom Label »Tapete«
Als die Welt noch unterging
[engl] 20 Shades of Province Around 1981, provincial Germany was an excellent breeding ground for abstruse concepts such as those of Autofick (an offshoot of the group Zimt), whose training cassette Pogo: EHGICH.T
Los Angeles
Es kreisen die Finger, es mahnen die Mahner. Trotzdem Partytime! Mit Los Angeles keift die alte Hauruckmaschine HGich.T erneut ins Netzwerk deiner Gefühle und lässt hocherfreut die Bässe pumpen. â€FEHLFARBEN
Handbuch für die Welt
[engl] Im April 2007 ist „Handbuch für die Welt“, das vielleicht beste Fehlfarben-Album seit „Monarchie und Alltag“, erschienen. Bei Tapete Records erscheint dieses Meisterwerk am 15. September –STERNE, DIE
Wichtig / Fickt das System
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Gschichterln aus dem Park Café
Die Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen … sind sie Troglodyten, welche mit heiligem Ernst über Hemden, Speiseeis und Ferien singen? Sind sie vollkommen aus der Zeit gefallen, mit ihrem aus zerkratzen