- 01. Célébration
02. Wanna Be Good
03. Who Does Your Daddy Sell His Guns To?
04. Cloud 9
05. Guillotine
06. Big UpsetterFAZE
Big Upsetter
[engl] Menagé a trois: the feeling the 3 becomes 1....taking the best elements from psych and Japanese hardcore while combining them with newer hardcore bands that somehow have been around for ten years like S.H.I.T. Oaf, and the brain (canadian classics). While Faze fits in with the greatest, some of the songs sway like a boat thats filled with the driving paintbox or destruction unit parts, unrelenting and fast while still being mesmerizing. Like driving a supercar from Rene Levesque all the way to the 40 on Saint Laurent a la 200 KPH, Faze is Montreal itself seen at speeds way too fucking fast.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 11.10.2024
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