Erwartete oder brandneue Veröffentlichungen
[engl] Rock & roll from Montreal, Canada, that's constantly on the verge of falling apart, like mid-flight turbulence that makes your stomach sink. This fuzzed out nugget of catchy proto-punk is broughtFASTBACKS
For WHAT reason!
[engl] „After a lull of 25 years, the old band got together and made an album! And you know what? It turned out pretty great. Everyone played and sang their hearts out, just like the olden days. Fun and loMOLBO
[engl] Introducing Molbo's explosive debut LP - a sonic assault on your senses! Immerse yourself in the ear and brain damaging punk from the deepest dungeon/basement imaginable. This release guarantees tSYF/ ONWARD
[engl] This split LP marks the rise of the Norwegian straight edge scene. SYF's demo was recorded in 1990, with only a handful of copies ever made. Onward's demo, recorded in 1991, features most of tSHADY LADY & THE MALEFACTOR
A Nickname
[engl] From the ashes of Polyester...a weird crazy combo of punk and disco. Frank E. Male from Henry Fiat's Open Sore and Polyester teams up with the Shady Lady. They released their debut on Bollmora RecSTALIN
Kubi Dake Atsureki
[engl] 4 track unreleased studio EP recording from their Mushi era. The fact these tracks exist, and are as good and as high quality as they are truly the stuff dreams are made of if you are a fan of the StaOHL
Verbrannte Erde
[engl] Rough, fast, noisy hardcore German punk for the time, this band is at the top of European thrash king history. The guitars dominate while the drums and lead vocals struggle to be heard. Incredibly powVAXINE / THE LAST SURVIVORS
[engl] A perfect pairing of the globe’s top raw punk bands on this 5 track studio EP by Vaxine from NYC and The Last Survivors from Tokyo. 2 bands who live and breathe punk in the sense of it having alwaysIGNORANTES
Demo Buena Ond
[engl] The first in a series of reissues of their material on General Speech. Ignorantes started in Chile over 10 years ago, and during that time their sound has grown to feel more and more timeless. CrediteV/A
Miniature (Japanese DIY 1979-1981)
[engl] An archive of underground DIY sounds from over 50 different Japanese artists dating 1979-1981. Inspired by the U.K. compilation album of the same name released in 1980 by Morgan Fisher, a one time memSTOSSTRUPP
Die Antworter sind stumm
[engl] Seven previously unreleased songs. Hardcore punk in the best sense, pure energy! Studio, rehearsal room and live material, including two cover versions. Comes in 300g full color hardcover.LIGHTWAVE
Cités Analogues
[engl] "Cités Analogues" was the first album released by Lightwave's core duo Christoph Harbonnier and Christian Wittman. Recorded between April and May 1988, edited and produced in July 1988, "Cités ACLEAN LINES
[engl] Another Seattle sharp hit wonder! CLEAN LINES is the name, clean lines is the game. Clean'n'catchy power pop lines with sugar-sweet harmonies and sweetheart pop appeal. At least for the A-sideCERESIT 81
Werkschau 83/84
[engl] The double LP contains a total of 36 songs from the early phase of the Berlin band. The studio recordings (19 songs) were recorded between 1983 and 1984. The recording quality was really good for theNIKOTEENS
Raw Power 1980-85
[engl] The "Raw Power" 2xLP by the NIKOTEENS contains a total of 57 songs that were recorded between 1980 and 1985. It starts with the "Aloah Oehh" LP from 1983, followed by the legendary performance in theAGEN 53
20 Song LP der Verdener Band, deutscher Punk der 80er, im allerbesten Sinne von Blut & Eisen und Neurotic Arseholes… Unveröffentlichte Studio-Songs, verschollene Aufnahmen einer Ende 1985 begonnene