- 01. Butterfly
02. Everything Belongs
03. Where Do We Begin?
04. Only Lovers Know
05. (The Other Side)
06. Under Starlight
07. Down By The SeaTELESCOPES
Of Tomorrow
[engl] The Telescopes were initially signed to Cheree Records then moved on to What Goes On Records where they became regulars at the top of the indie charts before gaining more mainstream success on signing to Creation Records. The Telescopes are now with Tapete Records. The previous album for the label – Songs Of Love And Revolution saw a return to the indie charts in 2021, including a Dinked edition with remixes by Anton Newcombe, Lloyd Cole and Third Eye Foundation. The Telescopes music has constantly pushed at it’s own boundaries, it overlaps many genres following its own course, inspiration led. Time has shown The Telescopes music not only withstands repeated listening but also reveals something new with each listen, it has been described by the British music press as 'more a revolution of the psyche than a revolution of the sidewalk'; a thread consistent throughout a highly influential body of work spanning over 30 years. The Telescopes have been cited as an influence on many artists across genres, around the world. The first five albums have all been re-issued by renowned labels such as Cherry Red, Bomp! Rev-Ola, Space Age Records, Weisskalt, Glass Modern, Fuzz Club and many more. Of Tomorrow is the 15th album from The Telescopes, the fifth for Tapete. The album was created entirely by Lawrie at his studio in Shropshire, it is a departure from what the press often refer to as a ’wall of throb’ when describing the dense merge of noise and sound synonymous with most of The Telescopes output. Of Tomorrow marks a complete change in dynamics. Here we have the poetry of motion, solid grooves to the fore, leaving crystallised trails across a fluttering undercurrent of uplifting rhythm and hooks. Lawrie’s voice, usually treated as an instrument equal to the rest of the sound now takes the reins, engaging the listener in a melodic swirl of radiant harmony that speaks, sometimes in a whisper, of love as revolution. Every song on the album stands it’s ground, each one unique. Everything from the composition to the performance, arrangements and production are leaps beyond previous offerings. This is an album to get lost in on the dance floor or headphones in equal measures.- Format
- LP
- Release-Datum
- 19.05.2023
As Light Return
[engl] As Light Return – The Telescopes are back with their ninth album.TELESCOPES
Exploding Head Syndrome
[engl] Consisting of eight new songs and incantations that form a series of sonic convulsions stretching the parameters of intuitive composition to the point of auditory illusion.TELESCOPES
Halo Moon
[engl] The Telescopes are an all embracing concern that began in 1987, the only constant being sole composer/instigator, Northumbrian born Stephen Lawrie. The band’s line-up is in constant flux, there caTELESCOPES
Radio Sessions (2016 - 2019)
[engl] The Telescopes Radio Sessions collects together the essence of three live session recordings in 3 different countries over a three year period between 2016-2019. This is the third in a series of radioTELESCOPES
Songs Of Love And Revolution
[engl] Songs Of Love And Revolution is a solar burst of trance inducing rhythms gripped at the helm by a wall of throbbing bass held in place by a swarm of encircling guitars. Lashed to the mast of this whi
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For Those We Met On The Way
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Musik für Jugendliche
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Mehr ist mehr (1996 bis 2012)
Als sich Superpunk im Jahr 2012 nach fünf Studioalben, mehr als 1000 Konzerten und unzähligen lustigen Schnacks und Schoten auf den Weg in die ewigen Jagdgründe des Rock’n Roll machten, hinterlieBÄRCHEN UND DIE MILCHBUBIS
Endlich komplett betrunken
Zu »Jung kaputt spart Altersheime« schunkelten die Punks schon Anfang der 80er. Der Slogan traf die Stimmung der Zeit. Keiner konnte sich vorstellen, älter als 25 zu werden. No Future! war das Mott